[QUICK SIDE NOTE BEFORE FEATURES ARE EXPLAINED BELOW: Both features (Mashup & Remix) in one combined feature would be ideal and BAD-ASS, however even just one of these alone would be amazing (and if I had to choose just one, I would lean towards the mashup aspect, because you could essentially make remixes in the genre of your choice with just that alone, however even if just the remix aspect was added I would be SUPER HAPPY)].
There's a website called Rave.DJ where you can make AI auto-generated mashups by inputting 2 songs of your choice with YouTube video links.
The problem with the mashups made by Rave. Djs AI mashup generation is that it uses YouTube videos to create the mashups (so visual content is used by the AI to make decisions, and those decisions don't always work well when listening to the resulting song without the video).
Basically you end up with certain sections having one song's volume lower than the other for no apparent reason (this is because that would be a section in which the AI decided to show a section of one of the two videos at that part, so it decides to lower the volume of the other video, and then does the reverse when it pops up the other video on screen). So without the visual content from the mashup video for context, it sounds really lame in some cases.
So it screws up the potential for a decent mashup in some cases (and once it's created, you can't do much to edit them, with a few exceptions, such as recording live equalization edits while listening to the song and recording what you're doing, or throwing it in Remixlive's AI remix and making a some changes that way, but when it comes to rave. Dj, you get what you get after it's generated and any edits must be made elsewhere).
However, I was thinking that if a similar AI was used to automatically make mashups in Remixlive, since the AI would only be using the music from the 2 tracks to produce the mashup (and not visual video content) -- I feel this single tweak alone in the programming/decision making of the AI would improve the end results TREMENDOUSLY.
If Remixlive were able to use a similar AI in this way, not only would that one simple change most likely make the resulting mashups twice as good as those with Rave .dj, but I'm also sure the developers of Remixlive might be able to make other improvements on top of that, making the end results 10 times better, I have no doubt.
For example, to then be able to have the stems that the AI utilized to make the mashup (and/or any loops it may have produced from the tracks inputted) in an editable format within the timeline in Remixlive would be even more amazing (i.e., to be able to keep/use ideas we like, eliminate parts we don't like, make slight changes to perfect things [e.g. change volume levels of the stems/tracks, if/when/where needed, adding effects of our choice where wanted, etc.]) and to then be able to have it as one of our live set projects, of course, all would be awesome.
Also maybe having the option to input just one track (rather than inputting 2 tracks to mashup as explained above) to have the AI automatically generate a remix of the that track in the genre of your choice -- (e.g., autogenerated via sample packs/loops, etc. being mixed with the song you input), and then also having it all in the timeline and being able to make further edits (e.g., in the same way I explained in the previous paragraph above for the mashups [plus maybe having those individual elements as part of our sample library from that point on too if/when possible, for example if the AI uses loops from sample packs in some parts, but decides to make new loops at other parts from the song you input, then having those newly produced loops instantly becoming part of your sample library]).
Like I said, either one of these would be great, for example if the feature -- discussed in discord in another post (or maybe it was in the survey Remixlive made?) -- to have AI generated sample packs in the genre of your choice automatically produced was added to Remixlive at some point, I truly believe it would have an AMAZING SYNERGY with my 2nd idea, explained above, of AI auto-generated remixes in the genre of your choice (if one day both of these features existed and hence could be utilized together).
Those 2 features together would blow my mind, so I can only imagine if both of my ideas explained in this post were implemented into a single feature (i.e., AI MASHUP/REMIX GENERATOR), and Remixlive one day had this super feature along with the feature someone else came up with I just mentioned in which sample packs are AI auto-generated in the genre of your choice, there would be no limit to the things you could do if all this was integrated with all the other features within Remixlive.
I know, one thing at a time, but I can dream right? LoL